AMI Montessori Assistants Course Adjunct

The AMI Assistants Course Adjunct can be offered to supplement the AMI Orientation Course at the corresponding age level. It provides practical experience regarding the Role of an Adult as an Assistant in a Montessori Prepared Environment. Receipt of the AMI Orientation Course Certificate of Completion at the relevant age level is required to participate in the AMI Assistants Course Adjunct at the corresponding age level. Successful participation in all Assistants Course Adjunct Requirements leads to award of the AMI Assistants Course Certificate of Completion.

The AMI Assistants Adjunct is a 20-hour course and can only be facilitated onsite, face-to-face.

Urmează să organizăm cursuri suplimentare de asistenţi pentru 0-3 ani, 3-6 ani si 6-12 ani. Revenim cu We are planning to organise additional assistant courses for 0-3 years, 3-6 years and 6-12 years. We will announce the details regarding the period and price.