Contact Details

  • Seeing Is Believing – the Art of Observation – Session I
  • Montessori Institute of Bucharest
  • Bucharest
  • Romania
  • +40 741 247 253

Seeing Is Believing – the Art of Observation – Session I

First session – Saturday, March 30th 2019

This will reflect upon the principles of observation. The art of observing and truly following what the child reveals. We will reflect upon what it means to truly trust in the child to show us the way. 

The session will continue by reflecting upon the four stages that Montessori observes in the child on their path to normalisation. We will study the features and developmental guides at each stage and reflect upon how best to support each stage of development. The lecture will be based on pure Montessori Pedagogy, but also hold a very practical tone. 

We will also look at how we plot and analyse these types of work curves. We will review how to gather the necessary information as a working and active guide whilst at the same time presenting how to produce this data into a work curve. 

We will then continue this session by using a case study to develop the art of analysing and coming up with a bespoken program of development driven by Pedagogy rather than age or curriculum. 

Second Session – Sunday, October 20th 2019

To reflect upon other principles that guide and influence the actions of the adult. How do we support the child in their capacity to choose and what implications does this have on the child, as they travel along the path to normalisation.

What are the different types of choice that we may observe in our work with the children and consequently how does this impact and influence our responses. 

We will also reflect upon the development of concentration and how we can best support this to flourish and deepen. The role of the adult in offering appropriate individualised challenges plays a tremendous part in this process. How do we know what to offer? How do we take the child to the point of concentration? What are the developmental guiding principles that steer our actions and responses. 

All of this will be very much based from the standpoint of theory into action. As such, the delegates will leave with lots of practical advice, reflection points for both themselves and their interactions with the children.   

Karen Pearce holds an AMI 3-6 Montessori Diploma. Former Head of School at the Maria Montessori Institute, Karen ran their model Children’s House from 1990 to 2008 under the mentorship of Hilla Patell. Director of Pedagogy at The Montessori Place, she continues to mentor Montessori guides, is a lecturer on the AMI course and runs the MMI’s post – diploma course on the science of observing children.


  • 9-10.30 – part one
  • 10.30-11 – tea break
  • 11-12.30 – part two
  • 12.30-1.30 – lunch
  • 1.30-3 – part three
  • 3-3.30 – tea
  • 3.30-5 – part four

Price:150 euros, payed in March.

The workshop is organised for Montessori 3-6 and 0-3 diploma holders.

The workshop is held in English, with translation into Romanian.

A certificate of attendance will be delivered at the end of the day to attendees completing the whole workshop.

Location: Montessori Institute of Bucharest headquartered in  Bucharest, District 1, 2-4 Dragoslavele Street, first floor.

Registrations: please send us an e-mail at the email address